YouTube earnings:

Before digging into the topic, let us see what YouTube Earnings are and how it works. YouTube, as we know, is a popular video-sharing platform that has revolutionized the entertainment industry and provided content creators with an opportunity to earn revenue from their videos. YouTube earnings combine various factors, including views, ad impressions, ad revenue, and channel memberships.

 Here, we will explore how YouTubers make money, the different revenue streams available, and how much they can earn.

Advertising Revenue

Advertising revenue is the primary source of income for most YouTubers. Advertisers pay directly to YouTube to display their ads on videos, and YouTube shares a portion of that money with the video creator. The amount of money YouTubers can earn from advertising revenue depends on several factors, including the number of views, the engagement rate, and the audience demographics.

YouTube uses an algorithm to determine which ads are displayed on which videos. This algorithm considers various factors, including the length of the video, the type of content, and the keywords used. The revenue earned from advertising varies depending on the ad type displayed, the ad length, and the advertiser’s bid.

Brand Deals

Brand deals are yet another way YouTubers can earn money. A brand deal is an agreement between a YouTuber and a company to promote their products or services in a video. The amount of money earned from brand deals depends on the size of the audience, the brand type, and the promotion duration.


Sponsorships are similar to brand deals but are usually ongoing relationships between a YouTuber and a company. A sponsor pays the YouTuber a set amount of money in exchange for the creator promoting their products or services over a specified period. The amount of money earned from sponsorships varies depending on the duration of the relationship, the size of the audience, and the type of sponsor.

Channel Memberships

Channel memberships are a relatively new way for YouTubers to earn money. YouTube introduced channel memberships in 2018, allowing creators to offer exclusive content, badges, and emojis to their most loyal fans in exchange for a monthly fee. The amount of money earned from channel memberships depends on the total number of members and the membership price.

Merchandise Sales

Many YouTubers sell merchandise, such as T-shirts and other branded items, to their fans. The amount of money earned from merchandise sales depends on the type of merchandise, the price, and the number of sales.

How Much Do YouTubers Exactly Earn?

The amount of money that YouTubers can earn varies widely, and there is no set amount that creators can expect to make. The earnings depend on various factors, including the number of views, the type of content, the audience demographics, and the revenue streams used.

According to a study, the average YouTuber earns $0.01 to $0.03 per view; This means a video with 1 million views can earn between $10,000 and $30,000. However, this is just an average, and some YouTubers earn significantly more or less than this amount.

Other YouTubers earnings:

Checking the earnings of other YouTubers can be a controversial and sensitive topic. While getting a rough estimate of a channel’s earnings is possible, it is only sometimes accurate, and it may not be ethical to do so without the creator’s permission.

Can We Check Other YouTubers Earnings and How to Check Other YouTube Channel Earnings:

While it is impossible to get an exact figure of how much other YouTubers are earning, there are several ways to get a rough estimate of their earnings. However, it is really important to bear in mind that these estimates are not always accurate and can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of content, the audience demographics, and the revenue streams used.

One way to estimate a channel’s earnings is to use online tools such as Social Blade or NoxInfluencer. These tools use publicly available data to estimate a channel’s earnings based on the number of views, engagement rate, and subscribers. However, it is really important to bear in mind that these estimates are not always accurate and may not reflect the actual earnings of the channel.

Another way to estimate a channel’s earnings is to look at the ads displayed on its videos. Some advertisers may disclose how much they paid for a particular ad, which can give an idea of how much the channel earns. However, this method is only sometimes reliable, as advertisers may have different bidding strategies and budgets.

However, Checking other YouTubers’ earnings with their permission is only ethical. YouTube creators have the right to keep their earnings private, and it is inappropriate to invade their privacy by trying to access their financial information. Moreover, YouTube’s terms of service prohibit using third-party tools or services to access or collect data from the site.

Creators can choose to disclose their earnings publicly or keep them private. Some creators share their earnings in their videos or social media accounts, while others keep them private. It is very important to respect their privacy and decision and not invade their privacy by trying to access their earnings without their permission.

Therefore, we now know that While it is possible to estimate the earnings of other YouTubers, it is only sometimes accurate, and it may not be ethical to do so without their permission. Creators have the right to keep their earnings private, and it is important to respect their decision. Instead of focusing on other creators’ earnings, it is better to create high-quality content and build a loyal audience that supports your channel. Whether you are interested in increasing your earnings or are curious about a particular channel’s revenue, it is possible to estimate their earnings using online calculators such as Noxinfluencer, SocialBlade, and Influencer Marketing Hub. While the exact figure can be difficult to determine due to various factors like CPM/CPC and estimated gross earnings per view, copying the channel’s URL and pasting it into one of these free tools can quickly get an estimate of the channel’s earnings.